Shared-resource contention becomes an important design consideration when adopting an SOA. 共享资源争用在采用SOA时将是一个重要的设计注意事项。
One design consideration unique to TP is the need to handle rows that fall outside the ranges of values defined in the CREATE table statement. 对于TP,在设计时需要特别考虑的一点是,需要处理不在CREATEtable语句中定义的值范围内的行。
But when assigning specific table spaces and indexes to those buffer pools, that could be viewed somewhat as a database design consideration. 但是,倘若是将特定的表空间和索引指派给那些缓冲池,那么这些因素又可以看作是数据库设计一类的因素了。
The number of database partitions is not primarily a table design consideration. 数据库分区的数量不算是表设计方面的考虑。
In this environment, I/ O efficiency is a key design consideration. 在这种环境下,I/O效率是设计时要关键考虑的一点。
Rather it is an overall system design consideration based on the anticipated raw data size of the entire database and capacity of the server hardware. 实际上,它是整个系统设计上的考虑,需要根据整个数据库预期的原始数据大小和服务器硬件的能力来决定。
Proper selection of bearing materials is an important design consideration. 选择适当的轴承材料是设计中要考虑的一个重要问题。
Actually, she added, presenting her creations on social media also has become a design consideration. 事实上,她还说,把自己的作品在社交媒体上展示也成了设计决策的一部分。
Precise measurement for arm symmetry of Ramsey cavity and design consideration of cut-off waveguide 拉姆齐腔臂对称性的精测及截止波导的设计考虑
In the design of many types of computer program, the choice of data structures is a primary design consideration. 设计中的多种类型的计算机程序,选择的数据结构是一个主要的设计考虑。
Where appearance of the glulam members is a design consideration, an appearance grade must be specified. 设计时胶合木梁集成材构件外观是需要考虑的一个问题时,必须指定外观等级。
The system follows with the related mine foundation information standard of nation, considers both digital plotting and spatial analysis of GIS principle and combines with the object-oriented program design consideration. 该体系具有遵循矿山基础信息的相关国家标准,兼顾数字绘图和空间分析原则,便于面向对象的程序设计等特点。
This article introduces the design consideration of critical components of cooling bed for merchant steel and presents a detail explanation to some advanced design principle. 介绍了型钢冷床关键部件的设计要点,并对一些先进的设计原理做了详细的阐述。
Design Consideration of Structural Health Monitoring System for Shanghai Changjiang River Bridge 上海长江大桥结构健康监测系统设计思路
Here the environment of the piece, the public space, was an important design consideration. 在这里,个人环境和公共空间是重要的设计考虑。
In this peper the defects of conventional wave plate is analyzed, and the design consideration of a wave plate with titling optical axis are mainly discussed. 本文分析了常规波片的缺点,重点讨论了倾斜光轴波片的设计方法。
The design consideration of high power and high frequency Magnetically insulated Transmission Line Oscillator ( MILO) was made. 初步考虑了高频率与高功率的磁绝缘线振荡器的设计问题。
Abstract: The design consideration and functional principle of hydraulic control system, which is used for a devise for hydro-mechanical drawing of sheet metal on a general hydraulic press, are introduced. 文摘:介绍了用于通用液压机上的板料充液成形装置液压控制系统的设计思想及工作原理。
Design consideration and program realization of partial transfer structures with short arm shear wall 局部框支-短肢剪力墙结构的设计思考和程序实现
A system composition and design consideration of a pressurized room is present in this article and it is emphasized two parts: pressurized control system and air duct system for this room. 文章介绍了正压房间的系统组成及设计,着重阐述了正压控制系统和风道系统两部分的设计。
A key design consideration has been to address the needs of the visually impaired. 新钞设计的其中一项主要考虑因素,是要照顾到视障人士的需要。
The design consideration and basic principle of the monolithic IC are presented as well. 文中给出了该单片控制IC的功能设计方法和方框图及工作原理,对单片IC中分块单元电路进行了元件级设计。
The design consideration of the pre-groove format is analyzed; 分析了对预刻槽格式进行设计的多方面考虑因素;
This article discusses its design consideration, its structure, its functions, and, by means of an example, its operation. 文章介绍了该系统的设计思想、系统的结构和所具有的功能,并用一个另件的编码实例对该软件的运行过程进行了说明。
This paper describes the design consideration and executive points of a computer assisted instruction system. 本文介绍一个计算机辅助教学软件系统的设计思想和关键技术要点。
The paper introduces the design consideration, implementation technique and usage of a MIS for family plan; 该文介绍了一套计划生育信息微机处理系统的设计思想、实现技术和使用方法;
FSW-0 carried out the design philosophy of integrated optimization and embodied the design consideration of common platform. FSW&0型卫星方案设计符合先高后低和先外后内的设计规律,贯彻了整体优化的设计原则,体现了公用平台的设计思想。
Chapter IV gives a detail analysis of the magnetic components design consideration used in the ballast. 基于此,在本文的第四章中,对电子镇流器中的磁元件的设计进行了详细的分析研究,以减小磁元件的损耗。
The design consideration and structure of EMS/ DMS application software on personal computer are proposed. 提出了微机EMS/DMS应用软件的结构和设计思路。
Design consideration of cut-off waveguide has also been introduced. 并介绍了截止波导的设计考虑。